Do Each Exercise Safely, Effectively, and Confidently
Here at The Science of Sculpture, we design workouts and choose exercises based on manipulating aspects we all share such as muscle cell physiology, energy systems, and some good old fashioned physics such as work = force x distance. The only thing we want to sell you is expedited progress and thus we have created The Exercise Vault which is an exercise library filled with the most effective lifts to overload your body, transform your physique, and endow you with a new found swagger. Each exercise found in the Exercise Vault comes with a video demonstration and tips to ensure you’re doing each movement correctly. We post a new workout every day with either the goal of getting double cheeked up or building a classic physique, and all of the exercises we feature in those workouts can be found in the Exercise Vault so there is zero guess work involved.
As a member, you have full and unlimited access to this library of exercises so that you can use them in a way that integrates into your life and your goals. Make sure you’re getting the most out of every workout by doing the most effective lifts, doing them correctly, and most importantly, doing them safely. We know there are crafty lifting veterans that might think they know everything about technique, but you’d be amazed how many of these seasoned vets we see that can benefit from a little extra insight. For example, do you grip a barbell on an upright row in a manner that loads your biceps more than your delts? What about triceps extensions and dips; where are your elbows positioned? What about your breathing techniques during heavy compound leg exercises? It’s the subtle details that help shatter glass ceilings.
There is no workout compendium that does a better job balancing effectiveness and accessibility. If you aren’t a member yet, you can start todayand be one step closer to your dream body. If you’re not sure yet whether you’re ready to transform your body and your life the way you’ve always wanted to, you can check out a free sample workout right here. Whether you sign up for full access to the entire Science of Sculpture set of resources or you just want to try a free workout, either way, you should start today. A better future is the best gift you can possibly give yourself. You deserve it.