Rest Day – The Science of Sculpture
Macro Calc – Rest Day

What’s Your Primary Goal?
25years old
18years old90years old
Provide an estimate for how many minutes of total physical work you will perform on this specific day. We want you to factor in work both inside and outside of the gym. When you’re in the gym, how long are you exerting moderate-high effort? When you’re outside of the gym, how long are you moving your entire body and exerting effort while doing so? More →
Will You Perform Cardio?
Will you perform planned, continuous cardio?
More →
This planned cardio is part of your Total Daily Work. More →
Intensity of Cardio
How much energy will you use on average per minute of cardio? More →
Body Fat Level
How much stored peanut butter, bagels, and chicken alfredo do you have? More →
Training Experience
How long you’ve been going to the gym does not define you; what you do in the gym defines you as a lifter. What is the level of progress you’ve made in the gym? More →
How many days per week do you typically lift weights?
Performance Enhancing Drug Use
Are you on the sauce? More →


Estimated calories burned at rest per day
Estimated calories burned at rest per day
Why are the numbers blurred? Members have complete access to this helpful tool. To see your answers unblurred, sign up and join The Science of Sculpture movement!

Energy Balance


10% Energy Surplus


15% Energy Surplus


20% Energy Surplus


Reverse Dieting to Minimize Weight Regain


Reverse Dieting To Jump Start the Recovery of Health and Performance

Learn More About Reverse Dieting →

Linear Dieting Energy Deficit


One Refeed Day Per Week Energy Deficit


Two Refeed Days Per Week Energy Deficit


Diet Break


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