Personal feedback and social interaction are really helpful when working to achieve any health or fitness goal. That’s why we’ve carved out a space where our members can interact, help each other, ask questions, share experiences, blow off steam, and elevate each other’s game.
Since this site is only for adults, we assume that everyone can behave like grownups. You should feel free to be unfiltered but remember to be respectful. We won’t moderate with a heavy hand and we’ll generally let people express themselves without censorship. However, we do have a few simple rules that you should check out before posting just to make sure we’re all on the same page here.
Mostly, this forum is a resource that’s here for you to use as you see fit. No topic will be off limits and you should feel comfortable asking anything you want to ask. There’s no such thing as a stupid question. No matter how embarrassed or confused you are, someone has certainly been in your shoes at some point. What’s on your mind?